BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Okay this is relatable

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I said mhm I believe you

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this just made me remember

No, I have had more than 1 damsel claim day 1

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What about losing because of your own fault, or winning while doing nothing


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I’m the damsel, it’s me, I’m the problem

Explain more

I think it’s best I don’t claim what I actually do tho

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I didn’t put for a reason

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There is guaranteed to be at least one no matter what.

no way

I think it’s too late for you derp in particular to claim outsider

derps is not an outsider with an artist question I refuse


Theirs a reason iv been pushing Magnus so hard lol

Roles are janky

I played a game last night

He’s the monk artist outsider wdym

Oh no I lied to push Magnus, I knew no one would. Believe me if I just claimed a straight red on them tho

i think i wouldve believed you claiming a cop check