BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive


if youre gonna accuse magnus of faking outsider i’d like some evidence, please
you theorized there being zero outsiders a moment ago, so its hard to believe youre one


I too am an outsider, look at my real outsider abilitt, behold

eauc night o choose a tarot card and something bad might happen rekayed to THAY!

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I swear I’ll remember eventually I just tend to type faster than I can think about what I typed


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I said it would be funny if their were zero outsiders not that their weren’t

im a heretic

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I’m the athiest let’s execute the story tellers

so do you have anything to disprove their claim
or do you just wanna get another swing in

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I’m May

nooo u cant do that evik wikll win because iam jeretic!

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Maybe the real lie detectors were the friends we made along the way.


I can’t exactly show you my role card tho

I breadcrumbed it as hard as I could with my agressive pushes based on one outsiders not existing even tho I had no reason to think that

Maybe if I were better at mafia


you are claiming outsider, ja

[-1 Outsider].

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Should I drink water

can you tell us anything about your role

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I mean I couldn’t exactly argue I know another outsider exists without claiming and I was hoping to avoid even having to claim outsider