BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Only a little

It was in emojis


I’m sorry what

Well they clarified afterward but they tried to claim to me in emojis

So you guys had the proble. Of sending things in words and instead you guys sent emojis

Which count as a word

They represent gestures. They don’t count

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That’s untrue, they convey words or ideas, i think it would be rather unfair to allow emojis not representing words

Like if someone sent :sunflower: you would interept that as a flower girl

I’ll have to get clarification but I’m going to assume that’s a no no otherwise people would just abuse that

anything rule related is hazzy’s problem


Im back!

\whisper end

How did it go

I had fun

hey someone derp do you guys wanna form the dont wanna die alliance

if you tell me stuff sure

do you have any whispers left litten

I’m an info role

me want to know stuff