BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

0 evil players will ever help me lmao, why would they believe me, especially after I axed a minion

It depends on whether the dilemma is ordered or simultaneous.
A Harpy would be an example of a simultaneous action, where the Goon drunks the Harpy no matter what order they’re picked in and nobody receives information. But for something like Demon kills, it can kill up to the Goon and not after.

Ask the STs to define it. No ability in BOTC uses that wording.

Which is the default

im doing that rn

Most abilities don’t matter about the order they’re taken in, internally. For roles like the Innkeeper or Chambermaid, effects/feedback happen after both targets are submitted. For that reason it’s usually simultaneous unless there’s a mechanical change to the gamestate (like demon kills / revives), in which case it’s ordered.

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For Kiiruma’s prisoner dilemma, his ability requires two players to make decisions. It falls apart for rather obvious reasons if one of them is “immune” to it.

The closest wording you’d get in BOTC is “safe”, which only provides immunity from negative effects rather than everything.

but why the hell was my statement slightly different to the other 3

Flavour reasons, probably.

no but the other 3 were identical

mine was different

Maybe it was a different storyteller who got to you.

I mean maybe?

I would consider “immune” but not “goon drunk’ening” to mean “the mechanical effects still occur, you are just immune to them”.

So in such a hypothetical, players would receive correct information by visiting you, and Kiiruma’s ability would still give you feedback, but you would not have been made sober and healthy and your power would not be hobbled.

There is a chance that the message you got isn’t from Kii.

That’s a plausible scenario too, I guess.

This doesn’t work because Brakuren received feedback from Kiiruma’s ability (meaning the dilemma was sent out), and none of them learned a character (meaning both players submitted a betray action).

In my scenario (Where Kii’s message didn’t reach Someone) Brak got the choice, but Someone didn’t.

So it doesn’t matter what Brak chose, it wouldn’t do squatch.

I will look what exactly Kii told me about their role.

In which case only one player could submit a response, not both. How does one play prisoner’s dilemma with themselves?