BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive


I would assume so

Though the shab is weird, cuz the person I hammered got revived

meaning I dont think kills are what cause revivals

If you said the word of an evil Mezepheles while you were good, would you be immune?

yeah I would be im assuming

So you’re immune to opposing effects even if they’re entirely passive?

none of those were passive though

what even is a passive evil effect

When “no relevant button actions were taken”, then.

can you give an example

like pacifist?

Characters like Scarlet Woman, Mastermind and Evil Twin come to mind.

for pacifist I would be immune, so die, for SW, it only targets same alignment anyway

Mastermind is like a wincon thing, so i doubt it

If you were good and executed the evil Goblin, would you be immune to the evil win?

let me check, my gut says no

I mean if I was any alignment and executed the demon I would lose, that much i know, answer to your question is pending

Does not apply for wincons

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Roles like assassin would bypass as well