It’s true I could be the lunatic pukka who’s just poisoning my victims with my Oracle stuff
we gotta consider these possibilities!
On a serious note I want to trust your god read
I want to know who the demon is though
Demon Oracle / Demon Fortune Teller: Every night draw a card from a Tarot deck, gain an ability based on its meaning as interpeted by the Storytellers / as interpreted by ChatGPT
the demon can basically be anyone alive except silviu
sda getting an artist question when according to them good isnt that behind is really weird.
I need to be an info role demom who gains infor from my tarot cards cuz my tarot cards have so far comloarbtws thoughts players gave to the hosts or their abilities
Artist is arguably the strongest OPG
also they tried to slam end day with a known evil player
I thought they said evil was winning
slightly winning
theyre claiming 5 star General
Last night was slight?
I been under a misunderstanding the entire time
they claimed to guess 2 and got artist abil
which again
is super strong
Why did they get Artist with slight
But SDA is a 5 star general, not a 3 star general so it’s more precise.
You can think of it as “Evil is slightly winning”
'm sure he can answer that for us
I can go explaik why I thought they weren’t aligned
Give me a second
Artist is the strongest base OPG, you can use it in any way that you want.
So it’s a bit unusual to get that ability in a slight-evil world.
Clockmaker’s a decently strong OPG as that can solve for “Can the evil team communicate very effectively?” - Probably also too strong for a slight-evil.
I’d think that having something like a noble or knight or steward is more slightly-evil
Wait did you?