BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

yea but I could claim I only have 3 hammers or something

I’ve seen your wolf games soemone
You are great at sounding convincing

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You did it in the mash so this is optimal

that also wouldnt work: three free judges is too strong a role
as a wolf, that means you have half the game down and town doesnt get to do anything

not only that, its unfun, for town and for wolves

not free, vizier never has its vote count

like thats what makes vizier vizier

we’re theorizing a world where you claim your role is “Three times a game, during the day, choose a player. They are executed.”

yea thats to strong

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3 times a game, choose a player with at least 1 vote, they are executed, is more what im saying

now, back to the point at hand
you’re claiming vizier, which according to a poll on-site, 30% of people already dislike

thats just too strong
you’ve seen alch vizier jinx, ja?

I love vizier

it requires three votes to exe

yea, 1 vote needed

vizier vote counts as 0

so, adding ontop goon/cl’s alignment change, which more people dislike

3 votes needed

can evils just vote and you can execute even if ur evil

with my current role?