BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

So its the same as nobody knowing

“Dear diary, I think this game is going fine, there should be at least 1 if not multiple evils dead. We’re getting a decently small PoE and overall there’s some players I trust and want to have accurate information so we can work towards a solve together”


This is as of EoD today :stuck_out_tongue:

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there are 4 evils, and with me now 5. You are fucked without me

Dear diary, I can’t find the demon. The game isn’t going well. I don’t know why I can’t find the demon. An evil dead is nice but demon where? If only the story tellers gave some sage cards”

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do you townread kii, by the way

Im leaning 75% evil on kii

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Idk Someone, I’m thinking there’s 4 with you. And all we’re doing is exe’ing an evil.
As between Bionic and you, I read Bionic as a tiny bit more good.
Heck even from your perspective and if you’re telling the truth, Bionic is evil and then that means we’re gonna have 2 dead evils which is pretty good still. Yes it’s 1 less good player but still lol

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Makes no sense to waste the neutralization on me when I get a ton of info

so is “you are screwed without me” in reply to kii in mention of the evil team or


Someone… who is the outsider if me, Magnus and Bionic are all evil? Lol

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As if the outsider would public claim I dont want to hear it

it’s me
I’m the proglem

It’s Base 2. Base 2 outsiders.
And you’re saying there’s 2 outsiders hiding with none of the outsider claims being good… Ok, sure.

I’m still waiting for snow

It’s been eons

as if outsider mods dont exist

plus you being outsider doesnt mean your not evil

On top of this do not forget: Outsiders are positive for evils. It is more likely that if there’s [-1 Outsider] it’d be on a pro-town character.


there’s 99.9% at least 1 outsider, due to the fabled inplay

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