BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Oh, yeah never tell story tellers anything they will use anything you say against you


If May wasn’t may I get something different lol


you probably wouldve gotten a different character based thing too

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I thought really hard about who I was going to choose and ultimately chose may because.I probably learned something useful if I chose them compared to someone like, Marluna

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i would’ve chosen magnus just so i have an edge on them

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Magnus would lie to me and I wouldn’t be able to get them to open up about stuff as easily


you’d… probably have to open with that to get anything out of them

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Just because it’s true

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@Litten I’m also happy to whisper since I was able to explain it alright in our neighbour whisper but it’d be better in full since it’s a bit more complicated.

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And then I reveal my hand lol

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I don’t have any more whispers, but I don’t need to know anything more, thank you for informing me.

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My issue isn’t even necessarily just being too open on the surface, it’s that every time I interact with somebody I’m like “they’re way smarter than me they’ve totally already read me like a book so what’s the harm in admitting it so we can have an open and clear conversation” and then they literally haven’t and I just gave them a bunch of information

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Aight. 2 Yes = Fine btw too. But 1 Yes, 1 No = Ideal but has an unknown downside. If I’m executed or die at night then bad stuff happens too :upside_down_face:

im gonna go jump out my window now

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@kiiruma I told you my info
if yoy iso me you will understand why I have a word document, I can’t fit all the info of what that means in the whisper

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Look it’s complicated.
But I’m just going to say it… I’m one of the outsiders.
Bare in mind that any character can have outsider modification on it too.
This will be denoted with [Square brackets] usually at the end of a character.


I would have probably hid it, you only needed to claim outsider and no one would touch you


Meh, I think it’s best if I said the bits I did since then we can try and organise the Y/N split for my ability.

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I will be honest I have no idea what the fuck you meant I just reciprocated with information because you trusted me with yours