BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Magnus proclaimed to be able to read me easily as I’m polarized yet they did a gigantic analysis on me and misapplied several things and came to the incorrect conclusion which deserves the death penalty, think they were just pressuring to get me to reveal more stuff about my role in public and they are evil

not to mention I already have a town read on a list of people so I’m fine chopping there if there’s no mechanical objections or we don’t have mechabical stuff pointing elsewhere; I kinda expected for us to have some alignment checks to work with even if they were weird

I feel like by the time there were 70 posts in my neighbour whisper it was maybe my job to figure out that the line had to be drawn somewhere

I loooove women~

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My face when Litten can’t do this

[Screenshot that I can’t find anymore of Litten jumping in and out of whispers]


I love you :blush:

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scale of 1-10 how much you love women

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I jumped in and out of whispers quite effectively this game

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I’m assuming you’re telling me that you’ve maxxed out your counter 300 posts in?


I also need you to answer the question i mentioned in the pm as I may be able to get you a better ability if you are

Silviu alwaya dsiappears at the worst time

theyre probably just hiding something, not actually being busy

I know

They did the same in the game where I pushed them to make reads, not that they were hiding anything just they didn’t wanna


I am still here

Don’t annoy me

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I think it’s better if you pass it somebody else

so is that a no
if so I’ll keep looking

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but thats my second favourite thing to dooo

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I narrowed it down to otter