BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I was pissed off with that game.
And it’s been over a year and I keep ranting about that game whenever someone mentions pacifist in my vicinity.


Damn I kinda don’t want to kill magnus now if I understand correctly
That’s unfortunate

This is a case of a mishandled Pacifist, yeah.
I generally think the character works best when its ability effect can be narrowed down to either the Pacifist or the DA, and nothing else.

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opinion: paci is bad character design on tpi’s part because they offloaded the work to make it actually fun onto the STs


I feel like it works sometimes?

I mean I know some people who have great methods of using pacifist.
But that’s a good general rule when joining games (Especially on BotCU)…
Ask your host / ST how they’ll rule certain things (Usually madness)

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You say this when Savant is their best Townsfolk.

Like in botc you rely on the trust of the story teller
For example my role relies on trusting the story tellers
Other people roles probably maybe do to

Mole is right there come on magnus

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Okay tbf last time I had a game where the pacifist was run well good just ignored them and doubletapped the Gossip with game winning info against mr

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Mole isn’t out yet and I don’t know if they’ll ruin it by taking away the Minion ability and adding an extra evil to compensate (making it a glorified Magician).

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I mean I very much have to trust the STs to not hurt me too badly.
And I have to trust players to coordinate things as I want them to.

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Your an outsider, you are gonna do outsider things unfortunately to balance the game

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Magnus whisper me

You guys had a 11 hour chat there’s only one thing that means in my head

I am ready to take you on (to take on your extravagantly long role)

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It means we both fell asleep (during the day).

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How about you whisper me?

the part that makes it bad design over things like savant/amne imo is that they offer no almanac guidance on how to run it actually funly, and encourage running it in unfun ways in the almanac

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