BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Neighbour whispers are free.

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These don’t take up our three, despite it not being stated.

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It’s sorta funny

Fifteen words is impossible. Ugh.

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sorry on second thought id really rather be conservative with who i trust with my claim. and i dont really like lying as town i find it unnecessary risky. im probably not the right person to roleswap with or such, id rather be truthful as town :P

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Slim down your ability text, if you’re not communicating your evil deeds.

Just for consistency with real life, you all can visibly see that Magnus and I are making a bunch of funny faces at each other.

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My ability text would not be sufficient.

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I already full claimed to Brak despite me saying I wouldn’t claim

@Brakuren Is there room for his redcheck to be fake or is he 100% evil if I am good

/Consult Storytellers. :bookmark:

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On second thought there’s room you are telling the truth
But like
I will never do anything you say

Idk he talked in runes

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I needed a word document to understand my role

You all with complex roles and shit

I realised that AFTER I decided to whisper you

Atleast you know what your role does

And I feel like an idiot for it but I just saw you in the thread and was like oh I wanna do this with Litten it’d be fun

Sigh. I am frustrated.

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