Does Derp claim a Townsfolk spy, who can register as evil?
They were claiming general originally
if they changed their claim then originally yes
He never directly claimed his full ability
I asked
it basically just tells an evil player about me. It can be the same as last night or a new one.
Im not gonna speak for him, but its really odd
Has to be alive the evil player?
lizards is super funny where our mech information is a harpy
I dont think he would be evil, unless we have vortox but for alignments
it didn’t say they had to be alive
I would assume the STs will show me some leniency because my actual info is nebulous at best
Than I can see this as a Townsfolk ability, to be fair.
I do suspect ill die at some point because evil will get tired of my shit so
I like the ability, it makes sense in my head that evil know about it.
Id like to argue that I was not mad that they were demon in any of these posts but simply aware they are the demon and should die
They could be the good demon that’s a really good point derp
this information is kinda hard to ignore tbh
its true im the Fanzazz