BotF XII - Sects and Violets + Art - Cultists Win

What are your reasons to clear them from being demon?

what you man sink? don’t see a sailor or anything in list

E.I they kill a dead player

How would that work?

oh i didnt know they could… thought was only allowed in setups it matters

cannon ability stores factional kills you don’t use. since they don’t store kills, not killing gives us extra time to kill other people besides the twins

It matters here cuz doppelgänger


oh i guess that makes sense overall nya

is there a script that isn’t confusing?

basic one with imp is easy to get

I don’t think so. Heading out now for RL too. :sleepingleafeon:

Atlas has nominated Aelin.

well them being No Dashii isn’t consistent with Ruby’s info, and even if Ruby is fake then that means you got true info for no reason on N2 when you’d be hypothetically poisoned. And in the case you’re a Minion in this world, that means the No Dashii slaughtered a Townsfolk they knew was poisoned because ???

in Vigormortis world Leafia is always good, so we’d know the exact scum team would be Jarek, Ruby and Daeron with Gorta demon… wait god fucking damn it this world is actually plausible especially since Gorta is all “but I want comms established” yet only whispers the travelers, Jarek and Daeron

Fang Gu!Gorta world is relatively the same as Vigor except in this world Daeron is Good and… I guess one of Aelin and Kiiruma? But not Kiiruma because Aelin says otherwise. But then it’d be exactly Aelin and she just boxed herself in :joy_cat:


Why did I bother asking

okay ill sum it up

it makes no sense unless it’s vigormortis game

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eli you said you’d leave get out

I did not

Why did the claimed artist die?

which one

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