BoTF XIII.1 Grave Digging and Filling Day Six (Final Day) Evil Win


Wow, that does sound pretty strong

And I guess that means no Evils get to do the hidden neighbor whisper thing

true. no whispering will ever be wolf → wolf

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so no marionette in play
or dum is the marionette sat next to the recluse because recluse can’t misregister to a barista sobered dum

i also really want to start doing the statistical analyzes on the how likely the corner spots are to be W knowing this information because i feel like they are immdeatly slightly >rand wolf for the 0 pairs to happen but i could be totatlly overhtinking, no way to know without the math

(totally not using this as an excuse to do pointless math)

the fuck is a marionette

also do you really think i have the BOTF knowloge to pull of this shit

we’re in a circle
tell me where the corners are in this circle

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So either your evil or i can trust 1 and 11

well shit.

i wnder if its possible to somehow make a relation between town flips and how rand >wolf their neighboors are


There are no actual flips

Though I guess night kills are more likely town

Other than special circumstances like the Imp

to spite you i will now kill all of my minions

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Or wait, I guess a Vigormortis could kill a Minion

Oh, would the pair thing be wrong if a Minion is the Spy? Like they would register as Good even for “true info”?

Ok so according to the info we have, we know that if a wolf is caught then their neighbours are both good.
That’s a pretty good start I guess.

Out of interest would this include if there’s an evil traveller(?)

E.g. If Jake was evil, can Magnus and Eggyolk still be evil.

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Actually this is also a good question.
I like both of ours

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