BOTF XIII Main Thread Game is being Reracked

As I said before, ping either this account, CRich or Leafia for it to count.

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think of it this way
if you visit Duchess there is plenty of people willing to kill you

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oh wait thats me
(i would but its not worth it for a joke visit)
(i will do this though)

Hand up on Jake @Host_Account_4

Note: I do not actually care about the duchess, but I do care about her captor. Perhaps run away with them to an undisclosable location east of Norway

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you know night I feel your trying to tell us something


What’s the best combination for Duchess?

3 townread players go in?

1 townread/2 scumread players go in?

A split between 1 townread, 1 scumread and 1 null player?

I beg your pardon? Whom would want to kill such a glorius bastard such as myself? Fools, that’s who!
Therefore it is a simple deduction that if I die that the fool must have done it.
Exiling me will only keep this dire knowledge out of the good team’s hands, and their hands are my hands.

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a demon minion and townsfolk

i got two
nah you probably got tricked I got zero

microread: Jake is probably town since he seems more focused on trying to roleplay than actually taking this game seriously

I do believe that if anyone is to go in, they shall be both townread and don’t have any other important actions to take (such as that daft drunk)

actually maybe Duchess is most useful if we send in 2 trs and a null

if we send 2 scum and a town, what happens is that both scum claim that town has false info and gets away with the info, making it useless

sending in 2 towns for a null slot if useful for determining their aligments through the most intense gameplay; pressing buttons

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clearly all 3 traveller’s should go

Why would we ever send scum to storm the duke’s exquisite castle? That seems rather counterproductive, as they would be incentivized to lie.

1000% agree.

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evil traveller minion demon

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such brainpower i detect from this post

That would be one hell of a role

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If I get exiled, I get exiled. I honestly want to have fun here, even if it’s at the cost of the lich losing the game (sorry lich <3)

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7 player gunslinger moment