BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

what why not

get it, they MAY think may is evil???


They have to think I am evil so I actually bother to interface with the game at all cause I’m about to die

We know.

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You claiming Spartacus is like if Bruce Wayne claimed to be some random two-bit thug working for the joker


Oh yeah /whisper @Achromatic emergency meeting

guava this has nothing to do with you btw I just thought of something

/whisper @nightingale

i was going to scroll up to find the post where she asked me but i’m lazy so i’ll just start a new request


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Going to call it a night now so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

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Anbyone want to whisper me and explain blood on the cock tower



Ban back

Parry ban

I deflect

I think if the May of a year ago saw me posting like this he would fucking tilt insanely hard and try to murder me with a shot gun or something

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