BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

I know this is going to sound silly but I was under the impression the more noms do the more it helps us

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Yes in FM you always want to yeet on D1 in almost any setup. I had the impression here that D1 could be exclusive since we have a lot of good roles to protect at least for a day. I also thought waiting a day would tell us if we are on Cleopatra setup but I noticed we don’t have enough noms so thats a bit meh now

I just realized I almost do have a full grimoire

i have like
5 roles lol
including the travellers

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I’m just missing apo baker jarek and Marluna

oh right i forgot i claimed publicly
i have marluna as augur

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/execute Marluna @Playwright





When is EoD

Honestly this post is incredibly useful, thank you Silviu.

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It’s a habit of mine, but here is considerably harder.

On the BoTC unofficial server you needed to /whisper [player (counter) for both transmitter and reciever.

ive been really busy today what are votes currently and did i miss any important info

@Playwright I said yes to Marluna


baker and marluna are top wagons for inactivity
should we do better? probably
can we afford to do metter tomorrow? sure bc im taking my sleeping meds right now

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so hell to me being the one who does better

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