BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

dead air dead non demon

silviu seems suspicious tbh tbh


wouldnt 7 be majority with 13 players?

It would without 3 travellers. As it is, the number of living players is 16. Half that is 8.

Wait you need 8 not 9?


Please do not execute Marluna today. There is a reason for this.

/Execute Baker, May, Nightingale, Catbae.
/Pardon all others.

what is ur reason bestie

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Oh right, I forgot to give you the entire grim.

just sendit here its no biggie

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There are reasons why particular people shouldn’t die in this game.

Marluna has claimed a powerful ability (such as Physician or Trumpeter).
Marluna has claimed a confirmable ability (such as Gladiator or Scholar).
Marluna has been seen by a sculptor.
Marluna’s claim has been supported by a Vestal Virgin.
Marluna either is or has been seen by Twins.

Etcetera. There is a tangible reason not to kill Marluna here.

Can we change our votes

Yes if they aren’t locked.
Your vote is only locked on Achro.

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@Playwright could you colour in votes to show which are and aren’t locked?


Wait Achro was nominated, right?

By leafia yes

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Yeah I looked at the wrong vote tracker by mistake. Your vote being locked on Achro, and only Achro, is still correct.

Isn’t this good