BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Demon knows who their minions are.

Yes but killing a demon n1 without realizing how good of a kill that would be is awful

new solve acquired
the evil team is maker/nuto/marluna/jarek and leafia was winemaker drunk by both me and magnus

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Unless said player is a skilled player in other formats like Achro is and if we have Hannibal, I think the storyteller controls the kills unless I’m mistaken.

I thought that sounded plausiable and then I saw they would have to jump four slots LMAO

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thats why it has to be that particular evil team :3


How would Magnus do that though even if he was evil?

they both claimed same merc abilities anyway so

Ah. Forgot about that.

merc legionary :flushed:

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it would also be more plausible if anybody believed my winemaker claim anymore :joy_cat:

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You guys should whisper

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good idea

/whisper Leafia

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/Accept out of curiousity.


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what did i miss

Openwolf Simulator

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You guys won’t believe it but Litten is still evil - ybw

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You won’t believe this either


I still disagree with the marluna pardon