BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

You’re literally Leafia’s only hope.
You know what would be a baller move?
If you’re good, at the very last second travel out just to make Leafia realise… it’s over.

why are you getting exiled lol

4 minutes left. So nervous.

When you’re executed, you usually die.
But you can survive being executed and you can die without being executed.

“Executed” generally refers to the end of day kill, with any abilities causing “execution” to also end the day.

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I’m not

I know I’m agreeing with ya nerd :stuck_out_tongue:

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it still is an execution. The emperor saves players from executions. does not cancel the execution


For lore purposes it’s better to pretend the emperor can stop leafia from losing

/execute Leafia
/pardon everyone else


Other people don’t get it, though.

Another example is the DA protected Boomdandy still going off.

Yeah. I feel better now. Only scum would suggest something like this.

Botc is all about wording

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Hypothetically, would a Twins poisoning still go off?

Uh oh

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Leafia could be a villager and Kiiruma might be drunk.

nah she lied about 5

she later claimed to got a 5

So I still have nominated and executed Leafia.
Leafia might be saved.
But won’t be from the Centurion ability (Hypothetically, if I’m Centurion there)

(And Leafia might as well be executed anyway)

How could that be?

I would rule it as no in that case. but that’s a personal thing.

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