BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Hang on a second

Kii, what?

Haruspex then I’m assuming

Yeah. Magnus passed my RT. I wanted to see how he’d react if I claimed that I wasn’t told and he reacted in a villagery way. I was indeed told that I was Hannibal and am now good.

I was asking Leafia if she was Hannibal.
As if she was, I’d be Hannibal too.

She already gave away she isn’t, so she’s just straight evil and Augur.

Yeah nice try

Litten will confirm me once he gets on as long as he’s good.


If that’s true then this is just fucking tragic.
I’m the Hannibal who tried to win with my power and so lose? Really? Fuck me royally.

Leafia why did my servants inform me that you had items that indicate you were plotting to overthrow Rome

The RT isn’t the only reason I lied at first. It’s also because I trust that Litten is good and if he’s evil, I made it easier for him to out himself by claiming that I was evil.


They didn’t.

she was Evil

Fuck YES.
Fuck you Augur.

Guys you do realize Silviu claimed gladiator and killed night yes

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So Litten is evil after all. We need to get rid of him.

/exile Litten

Litten and you are both evil just like I thought.

There are 2 worlds right now Leafia:

  1. Litten is evil. I’m evil Hannibal. You’re good Hannibal.
  2. You’re Augur. I’m Centurion turned Bad Omen

I was tempted to lie solely so I didn’t have to deal with this