BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed



Hi everyone!
We have a dead Augur. Who confirmed themselves as evil

Hi catbae!

Nice try. It doesn’t. We discussed it yesterday.

@Litten when you have time we can discuss my claim now

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would anyone else like to look over my logic? I believe it’s sound.

It was even host confirmed that Legionary’s info doesn’t count travelers.

@Playwright would a Legionary’s information include travellers?

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my whisper :pleading_face:

@catbae alrigjt we can talk now

/whisper catbae

You never accepted it yet.

I have now accepted it

I got to drive home actually

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Oh. You did. We’ll need to do it again. Oops. /Whisper Jarek




/whisper catbae

I’ll make you feel better
I also haven’t interacted with you once this game