BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

wouldn’t be the first time lol

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sorry I read it wrong

You have received the following information from the host @Kiiruma

Correct. So I’m good now.

We’ve spoken SEVERAL times at this point.
There’s no shot I’m Hannibal with Leafia.


anyway I broke my whisper with catbae because I got bored and they just didn’t respond to me lol

Why is Night dead

I can definitely see worlds where Kiiruma is the other Hannibal. Although as long as Litten is not exiled, he won’t let Kiiruma be executed.

then why don’t we execute you
that 100% guarantees a demon out

Litten is evil so Litten will need to be exiled first.

So Leafia you’re the Legionary with wrong info.

I mean the Good Hannibal.

I mean actually the Legionary which had info from the hosts confirming you for sure don’t see travellers.

I mean, 100% the good hannibal

You’re done? I’m done with it personally. You’re so blatantly a wolf its unreal

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anyone against me calling to exile YBW/Magnus?


No objections, chief.

I call to exile Magnus

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I think Magnus is good personally.

well one of them is evil and I see no point in keeping them around anymore

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Leafia didn’t read the roles it’s okay