BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

The demon would know fairly quickly tho no?

hypothetically, if i were tempted, id be keeping it in my back pocket just in case guava seems to be reading suspicious so i can decide which team i wanna win with when i have more info

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Yeah but it gives the demon less incentive to kill guava now.

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Hypothetically, this would be mean





hypothetically the emperor would fuck both of you over for trying to side with evil

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Yeah because either I’m lying to town (makes me look suspicious so town might exe me) or I’m tempted (something that evil wants to exe)

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i cant believe youd deny me my conversion ticket to the evil team on fol


I cannot side with evil if the other tempted also claims
We can basically make this minion not a minion if we both just claim we were tempted but the other tempted either isn’t online or wants to be evil


you can say that they are, in fact, tempted

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Clearly they aren’t tempted to claim unless they haven’t looked at thread yet :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

As a Spartacus, I do hope I die sometime in the night.


I need that Bill Cipher “well now” gif.

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Hello all I have returned.
And :blobby:

This is gonna be a fun game.
Not sure why yall are so against my plan. Geez~

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Nobody’s actually against the plan, unless Nightingale is the other tempted person, they’re just skeptical that the other tempted person will actually come out

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There are two possible explanations for what just happened in that whisper and I can’t decide which one is funnier

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Anyway hi chat I’m back and I’m feeling better

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