BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

/whisper @Marluna


i didn’t mean to be unresponsive i’m just stupid and distractable i can talk now

/whisper litten

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/whisper catbae


I recently caused town to win as Doomsayer when Coven had majority in ToS 2. I think that was earlier today. I love being Doomsayer.

did you actually just call me a noob in 2023

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Jarek, you are so stubborn that I could literally screenshot my message from the sts saying I was tempted and you’d still want to execute me

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(I’m not gonna do this obviously please don’t smite me sts)

whisper me when you’re done


Going to call it a night now, so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

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So good news people

I’ve found the other two demons

I mean minions

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Common Litten W

/whisper Litten



It is time to DIE

I wish someone would check guava so I can have validation that I am right (I can never be wrong) :pensive: