BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

town keysmash?

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Crap, I used my gladiator on nightingale, it appears she didn’t die

Or moi???

What even happened

She did, host error

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Take that magnus-face

I was given a choise between Magnus and Nightingale then I decided on the latter

I knew you wouldn’t be real with me Magnus, you said you knew I was evil so I wanted to see where you’re going with this. I still don’t get what was that plan of yours

Are you here?

So basically Leafia was augur and they played coy that Kiiruma isn’t centurion and knew the instant-win wouldn’t exist?

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As soon as I nominated Leafia, I became a bad omen.
So Leafia knew the game would continue.

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Sure am!

Can we talk?

So this is how they “just knew”. I would have expected them to at least suspect you are actually centurion

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Sure sure ^^

/whisper Kiiruma


@Magnus are you still around?

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And Night knew that the game would continue. I don’t know enough BotF to know Why she outed there then

@May /whisperoo
