BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed


how do I do this lol


baker is nominating catbae

Accusation: I have a redcheck on catbae boombyescum


game probably ends here but let’s see


Though that would be kinda underwhelming

You make it sound like anyone believes he’s the evil mercenary.

The Hannibals don’t know who each other or even themselves are and Litten is obviously evil. Nic try there pardner.

Of course you’d listen to the one supporting you that you know to be evil. Also, the hosts decide the alignment of the travelers. It isn’t randomly decided.

Hmmm, possible if both the twins and Night are lying about their role.

He means you started as the bad omen.

Leaning this way too since I fhink the twins are real now. No longer trust Night.

Or just a normal minion or demon. Probably not demon though.

Yeah. Night is evil 100%.


If I was augur, I wouldn’t have panicked like I did near the end of the day and Achro would still be alive.

Oh sure. I definitely panic like that for no good reason. /s

Is YBW actually the good mercenary here?

More that evils didn’t know if he was good or bad until today.

There’s no need to type in /break whern you’re done whispering. Talking here autobreaks any whisper you’re in. I also don’t trust May any more and I’m leaning towards Baker being evil currently too.

I don’t see why a Legionary would panick that way either…

I’m sorry Leafia there’s 3 people now that mechanically confirm you’re evil

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Especially the one who thinks it sits next to a winemaker…

Marluna. Why wouldn’t a Legionary nominated by a centurian panic when the Legionary begins to suspect the Centurian is really the Centurian?

There’s also at least 6 evils. Literally no one mech confirms me as evil.

Going to head out for now too to play FFX-2 HD Remaster on my Switch after getting something to eat.


Uhm. 3 minions and 1 demon?

1 guaranteed evil traveller

Though I don’t think Litten is it :P

There is a three way thunderdome between three sides, one of which is evil

Magnus and Marluna

just a fyi

Mortician got an evil on Catbae