BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

The tumpet :trumpet:. Bwaaaa

I am gamesolveboy I love to game solve


I love Leafia v Kiiruma round 2

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have fun you guys im gonna sleep

/whisper @Silviu200530 Silviu Two Thousand Five Thirty


Hey Apocryphal wanna chat? I’m not sure what you are.

/breaking bad

/whisper May

I’m down

/whisper @Apocryphal


Updated list

at the very least, magnus is definitely evil
so that makes that easy

I’m also gonna passively say that Baker is likely evil myself.

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/nominate Guava


That’s all I got thank u

no, i can whisp and tell u what i am if u want

Sry @Silviu200530
You got me at the start of or rush hours.

Can we talk now?

I don’t see the thunderdome, basically none of the info. (I am aware of) is in conflict in each other.

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