BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

What do you have? wanna whisper?

Sure lets go

/whisper Jarek

lemme try make it for once. i need to learn this




@guavagudetama lmk when you exist

/whisper @‘Y

You know who that’s for


Piracy. It’s a crime

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/whisper may

I thought we were done /accept

No need to type /break after a whisper Baker.

I don’t trust you

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Actually, I’ve barely heard from you at all Baker, so let’s talk. /Whisper Baker

You’re literally the only one doing it and why would I lie about something like that?

/whisper leafia


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You’re just trying to make it look bad that I accepted a whisper from someone I know to be evil Litten. I’m wise to your tricks.