BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

I’m not

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Magnus claims Deviant and sings a little song.

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The Emperor makes his decree:

We only tolerate the church to prevent atheist games. We do not need them spreading needless gossip in our city.

/deny Silviu information

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Edited for lore purposes

Let us disperse with unnecessary conjecture and silly paranoia. There is a perfectly rational explanation for everything. Yes, a teacup may indeed be orbiting the planet, too small to see, but I shall drink my tea from the very real china in my very real hands.

/Deny Silviu’s information.

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Why don’t you like Atheist?

It sounds fun in quick formats but on forums it sounds awful and a waste of time ngl

Think of Atheist games as being a puzzle.

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Splatoon 3 for the Nintendo Switch

Splat too. 100158 did sparctus

Splatoon 100000000 form switch

I agree

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Squid Kids for Smash Bros. on the Nintendo Switch.

I’d definitely join a game hosted by you.

I doubt you’ll truthfully claim what YBW claimed he got so I’m not even going to ask.

Wow. Litten trying to look good.

/Deny Silviu info.

Can dead people be blessed?

I’m afraid not.

Darn. Oh well.

Why would I lie about information ybw can tell?

By the way she saw leafia today

Possibly because you’re both evil and you can both lie about it. Or even if he’s good, you can convince other people that he’s lying and the evil one.

I doubt twins can see dead Leafeons, can they?