BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Oh. You meant why do I think YBW saw Catbae as twins. You already know the answer to that.

I do not

Even forgeting which order you are sending your posts in 2 minutes…
It’s a record.

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Can you vote execute so we have the votes to put them on the block

Yes you do. You have a brain after all. Why else would you suddenly be pushing this hard to execute Catbae?

/vote execute

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I didn’t forget a thing.

I’m pushing this hard because they claimed wolf

The double kill last night put us back on odds so thanks, Demon.

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I can see how it could seem that way but did you bother to inquire farther to make sure you weren’t misreading things?

i did this by asking for their true claim and then they lied and claimed blacksmith

It doesn’t seem like it to me. You just leaped at the chance to make it sound like they claimed wolf.

No you didn’t. Not that I can see anyway.

look, I was going to let the mortician lie go away, but when you make up a whole speal about how you wanted to bait a NK as you are a blacksmith and how you thought I was gonna spread their claim around, and then are in ANLTHER double claim and admit to lying
you gotta die

this was done in whispers

they claimed wolf after i whispered then

Funny we only have your word then, you being evil and all.

While what they said looks wolfy, it isn’t exactly a wolf claim.

It doesn’t help catbae’s case that there is a Mortician ping on them.

Although I still think it might lead to baker.