BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

It’s not proven that a Mercenary copied a Demon, my world for it still has one wrinkle that needs to be smoothed out (I am trying my best), but yeah Litten thought they were Twins

so litten was twins with catbae?



No. Litten thought that YBW had copied Twins rather than the Demon

/accept for realsies

ok so litten is confirmed good because why would they be killed

If people want to build a W!W world for me and Leaf then they can try but I think it’s… pretty unreasonable for anyone to do so really.

Me and Leafia never whispered and have been accurately at each others’ throats. Litten further saw Leafia as evil and Leafia has been attempting to ensure I’m ded.

Litten probably good
catbae redcheck + claimed evil
Nightingale ???
Leafia claimed evil
Crazynuto probably evil
Marluna probably good
Achromatic scholar n1 i bet they are good

Apocryphal - ???
baker - good
Jarek - probably good
Magnus (Mercenary) - ???
Silviu - probably good
May - probably good
guavagudetama - probably evil
Youbutworse (Mercenary) - ???
Kiiiruma - confirmed good according to silviu
Wazza (Pontiff) - ???
Amelia (Sibyl) - ???

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Oh right! I got the Wazza info btw.
And if Wazza told me a lie then we’re in a bad position.

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Is it information that you could share freely, or is it something secretive?

(Don’t claim it publicly until Wazza can say whether it’s true or not, make sure it lines up with other people first.)

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I can share it relatively freely.

/Whisper Kiiruma.



Also can YBW and Magnus share what abilities they got with the rest of the class?

my ability has already been shared
i have the twins ability (again)


You were woken up and told “you have the Twin’s ability”?