BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

I’ll just say it.

There’s at least 2 starting evil dead

aight well that’s simple lol

It’s quite standard in forum games for the players to submit actions freely?

that info basically has to be 100% true

but I’m extremely worried that you were given actually valuable info.


Does that mean we’re in a bad place?

Why would the hosts willingly give you helpful info lmao

I mean the way it’s worded could be guiding/misleading us into believing it’s a Hannibal and/or Temptress game.

I feel like your info indicates it’s a Hannibal game because like
the hosts are willingly helping
I would’ve 100% expected some sort of info like “I ate a bowl of cereal today, it was kinda nice, lil’ crunchy tho”

The hosts would never give information that unhelpful, no.
I’d expect information that’s either helpful or unhelpful but it requires a trust fall.

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Think “Savant” on the level of helpfulness and that’s around what I’d expect.

They 100% would, especially given we’re on the line of believing town are steamrolling

If I had received info that said to distrust or trust someone I woulda cried.

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Savant is allowed to give unhelpful information if town is steamrolling, information that is either useless to know due it already being known and stuff

The host has given you the following advice: Do not trust Litten.

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talking about Litten

how the fuck is he dead lol

The information you’re suggesting is useless and not game-relevant whatsoever. No.

it’s legal, Magnus

The working theory is that a Mercenary gained a killing ability.

it’s happened on the unofficial botc server n stuff

that was a clusterfuck :joy_cat:

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I was thinking Hannibal procced twice again, this time killing a traveller

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If it was a mess than you could assume it’s a one-off.