BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

/Support Wazza’s blessing
Why not?

Also we DO know wazza is good, right?

We don’t know that.

Won’t there be doubts that arrise as soon as Wazza says her information and then we have to figure out if she’s good or evil?

Yeah, of course. It depends on whether the information is tailored to be personally or generally useful.

I’ll see what Wazza says after litten’s chat

Nomination phase is in about 3 hours 2023-07-29T13:00:00Z.

Has anyone claimed Spartacus?

I see no Spartacus claims, unless I missed them. Up to 6 residents can claim to be Spartacus today.

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haruspex investigating litten twice is a power move

/approve kiiruma’s blessing @Playwright

Six? But travellers don’t count, do they?
Shouldn’t it be four?


Could you four claim Spartacus today?

wrong account. hazard is struggling

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get rekt nerd

Nominations are open

Now where is that biggen litten

I need to speak to him too

@Kiiruma ylu there

Everyone wants Litten’s attention.

He’s our emperor after all

Someone will take the throne after this