BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Are you accusing me?

Are you accusing YBW instead?


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I’d like to talk it out first and reach a conclusion.

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broke it before it started smh

It doesn’t count, don’t worry.



how is everyone? got any plans for the weekend?

I am about to play a TTRPG themed around star wars.

I love the dynamic of my team so far

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oh nice

is it one of the official star wars rpgs or a homebrew?

The rulebook that we are using appears to be made by the same creators of the D&D

I never played a TTRPG before and after spending a long time reading the manual because I am a slowpoke of a reader, I think I got the gist of it.

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So far in the story. It’s barely right after formation of the New Empire.

I was a politician there but then got forced to be an engineer. One day I had to flee, so I stole a starship, when I stopped to dispose of somebody. Somebody contacted me via the comlink (modern-age transciever) to ask me to join the rebellion, it’s spooky but I accept anyways. So we are 2 people so far but we haven’t met physically yet beyond digital communication.

Now I have to convince a blind scout that is the only one that possesses the Force among us and her guardian (soldier) (that was meant initially to assassinate her, but the scout in question tripped her and she hit her head and has amnesia).

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ah yeah I know of that one, I think it’s solid though I haven’t actually played myself. I recall it being well liked.

when you first start playing it’s intimidating but you don’t need to know everything at once, the other players can help with the rules and you can just look up various rules when they’re relevant

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The rulebook says that you don’t have to memorize anything because you’re playing for fun, not to do homework :joy_cat:

But yeah it appears daunting, but with a little reading (less dedicated than me) and some help from the gamemaster, you can learn everything before even beginning.

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Also I believe in every team, synergy matters. Something that each of the members can do on their own best than the others.

Blind Scout for example knows how to be sneaky and can sense people by using force:tm: despite having a disability. And also she has a force ability called Friendship, you become her friend! She has an attack quarterstaff. Oh and yeah, she’s a total trouble magnet.

Amnesiac Soldier has many attack bonus rolls which is good for offensive purposes and is also the only one with armor. She has a blaster.

Tech Specialist (that’s me!) I play a huge support role here. I am capable of healing this early on and I also have Knowledge ability that allows me to know of the imperium’s inner workings the more I invest skill points into it.
And I also the only capable pilot from here. There’s too much on my plate :joy_cat:

And a noble that is very refined into charisma and diplomacy. She’s our very own spokesperson because we suck at socials when it matters.

We plan to hopefully be more pacifist here so we don’t have to fight especially this early on.

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I am already asleep. My pet peeve is getting killed in my sleep, so you’re not allowed to exile me today. Dems the rules.

(If you make a “hurry, let’s kill Magnus now” joke, you’re not funny.)

hurry, let’s kill Magnus now