BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

I miss may and magnus


I’ve been informed that may is whispering magnus

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This feels like a guessing game

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Like this post may if you figured it out


Like this post if you didn’t


@May you are only allowed to like one of them




Your travellers picks are fine.


Why the heck would a Phisycian choose a failed Centurion?

It’s not like you can correct their execution… they don’t gain any info at night, and there is no way any Demon would kill a possible Demon canditate.

Also making a (claimed) winemaker into a sober one is a bold move, which should have came up, when Leafia was accused to having wrong info…

There’s no way you think that’s real actually stop

Please Kiiruma stop joking

Guava!!! You’re here!!

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That was before centurion failed
That was the night before centurion used their ability

A what

N2 was after Centurion failed

Then I wrote my info wrong

I picked Kiiruma the night before he used his ability, which was my second pick

Today is day 4 which means I’ve picked for four nights
The game starts in night 1, not night 0
So night one I picked Nightingale and Baker
Day one I learned Kiiruma was the centurion from him. Telling me he’s the centurion
Night two I picked him along with Litten
Day two he used his ability

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This distinction is important for like
Temptress and nothing else on the script I think

Cuz it specifically mentions the first night