BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

The fun travellers always get exiled immediately unless they’re mechanically best, though.

Like Litten Blitten where he could prove he’s good by maneuvering his way around.

Sophisticated. Philosophical. Crackhead

Exiles require 9 votes to go through. It takes 6 votes to place a non-traveler on the block.

Seriously? That requires all the people except Magnus and YBW

Why would you want to exile us?

to anyone reading this, there are reasons as to why the PoE’s are starting to shape. basically we got pings from certain roles but also there have been claims and information passed around by both dead and alive players I don’t want to reveal everything.

I am Trumpeter

2 evils in
D3: Marluna, Catbae, May, Baker, Jarek, Silviu

1 in
N2:Crazynuto Leafia Jarek

3 in
N1: Leafia, Catbae, Nightingale, Crazynuto, Jarek, Marluna, Baker and Silviu

litten thinks this is game if we do may>baker>F3 of kii/guava/silviu/apothau/jarek

i think we should do guava>baker>F3 of kii/may/silviu/apothau/jarek

but i can compromise with litten and go for guava>may>F3 of kii/baker/silviu/apothau/jarek

I think I always vote Silviu on F3 based on my FM reads unless I am missing some details about others.

I don’t think I can win a F3 with my limited BoTF knowledge and no interactions with half the players but idk no one talking about any of this making me think I am just playing this entire BoTF wrong lmao

There is a big chance we are in Hannibal game, small chance for Cleopatra/Caesar/Crassus but I still can’t figure this out.

I also think we should have exiled Magnus/YBW yesterday but we decided not to so IDK why are we keeping travelers around coming to FX


What’s your argument against keeping travellers around?

in case a double kill happens tonight too then we will have 4 players alive and possibly tomorrow might be our last day to solve this just a reminder to everyone

Anyway, I appreciate this clarification because it corrects a false assumption I had about the game.

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Because the mercs can get an evil role and we are just letting them use their abilities. no?

The storytellers can decide which abilities we gain in order to ensure balance.

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yeah i think it is pretty hard to guess a travelers alignment or if they are telling the truth. i am mostly confident with Litten due to multiple reasons but everything else has been pretty much chaotic

I hate this because I feel like I’m just being bulli’d by Leafia and Leafia is the Augur and me living is pain.
Like what am I gonna do if I get to F3? Probably the same thing still :sob:

Which is not knowing what to do, trying to vibe but internally crying.
I also don’t know how many travellers to exile / when to do it.

Litten’s running out of useful moments now.

The Mercenaries can be big problems for us if they gain a kill via the demon or something like a late Temptress

Wazza’s currently not being approved enough for her info (I think) and IDK how much I actually want her to have info since I don’t know if she’s good or not. Socially I trust her, mechanically 0 fucking clue honestly.

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Also if Litten turns out to be evil, any single missed execution could royally fuck us.

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I don’t see a scenario where the storytellers force a kill onto a mercenary, by the way. Unless it’s Hannibal, but in that case they would kill a Traveller if anything (like Litten).

wait so guava was phys and picked litten and didnt learn anything?
that just means litten was haruspexed right because silv claimed tempted so magnus cant have yoinked a demon

A working theory is that I might’ve grabbed a Hannibal kill and Guava’s evil.


but you got the temptress ability right /j

That’s not what I’m claiming, no.