The storytellers are recommended not to kill off evil suspects in Hannibal games, I think. It isn’t like Lil’ Monsta.
If we Sibyl exe, we’re reducing our nights by one. Are we good with that?
I was told by hazard that they will kill off one of the Hannibal’s eventually as otherwise it’s not fair
Really? Yeah, on the unofficial server it was recommended to let the good team kill off Hannibals.
D3: Marluna, Catbae, May, Baker, Jarek, Silviu
One evil in this
Other evils out
Problem: May info still contradicts
May info is a thunderdome with night UNLESS baker is bad omen
Baker might just be Bad Omen
Then who the fuck is the demon
(Jarek is not Hannibal Twins btw. I don’t think setup works that way.)
Hannibal’s believes they are good, not a townsfolk
I think it technically could be if the stock Outsider is someone else, but it’ll be weird cause either they get thunderdomed with another Outsider claim or we completely miss the existence of a Bad Omen
The Scholar adds an Outsider, and assuming Hannibal functions like Marionette, they can’t believe they’re an extra Outsider because it breaks the count.
If Hannibal works differently, someone should ask the hosts.
With Magnus’s fakeclaim our information was too constricting and every world kept being disproven and now it’s too open and we can’t build good logic chains
We have like no info on potential Hannibal’s then because the hosts lilled off our invest roles
It does I did ask
It does not break the count because hannibal isn’t an outsider
So they’re running it differently, gotcha.
People were theorising about Marionette Outsider in the U-Pick BOTF and misunderstood its rules, so I figured the same thing might be happening here.
Leafia ???, catbae Temptress, Haruspex is alive
If my information is correct, Leafia Augur