BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

the council will decide your fate

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the reason we should execute is for flabor reasons

the flavor has been awesome let’s make them write more


my rationale is that looking at dead people makes me vomit

Half the dead aren’t even here.

We can just keep executing leafia each day

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like, corpses
ghosts are fine i talk to them regularly

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are they friendly

sometimes not
you fall into the latter clearly

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I’m very friendly

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ive had unfriendly hauntings where they like tamper with my brain because they want me to be constantly freaking out and hyperventilating (because they like it when im scared probably)
its pretty scary

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have you told them no
they can’t do it without your consent
it’s illegal

i feel like im in the minority here on this forum but i legitimately believe in ghosts and magic and supernatural things

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how do you arrest a ghost lol

ghost busters

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get a bigger ghost

maybe some ghosts would accept payment in some fashion idk

you see ive never called ghostbusters bc idk their contact info
i have a strong ghost friend but shes not here all the time
but it helps when she is

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I’ll ask for night actions while the Litten nomination on Leafia is ongoing. Just to speed things up.

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I think leafia is a hit

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