BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Beginning of the End (1/2)

The blood demon wakes up in a pod, stuck on the top (or rather the most downward) point of the office murderous building, she observes her body in a heartbeat, revealing that, indeed, she has turned into a doll.

She shall not exasperate yet. She breaks into a vent shaft… “Gasp, Kitty!” the woman exclaims in rejoice, but now it’s not the time for beautiful reunions either!, all of that can wait.
Crawling further around a corner, it reveals a downward vent, bong, the woman almost faceplanted straight into the vent cover, luckily she didn’t drop entirely.
Under the apparent pressure of time, she quickly draws blood from her wrist and creates a hammer, providing enough of a force to drop the cover as it does a loud noise as it lands.

She successfully escapes the cursed doll-making laboratory to the first floor and sprints like thunder to the doors of the trial room and begins to knock on the door rather desperately.

Why won’t this open? Can anyone hear me? I am alive!

A girl wearing a sundae-like hair and a warm-colors hooded boy quickly runs up to the disorder from a surrounding corridor:
P-Power? H-Hey what are you doing? If you enter, all of them are going to die, and your killer is going to survive!

I don’t care if the others die.” Power roars as she continues to bang against the door.

Are you stupid? Why did you have to be the last one to kick the bucket?!” Rio spews back at the woman. “Look, there’s another way to do this. You can defeat that lady that created all of this murder game.
Tia, you’re good with idiots, try to explain it to her!” he crosses his arms in dismay.

Tia’s voice trembles: “Um… D-Don’t you c-care about your friends? You c-can save them everyone without f-fighting, I p-promise.

Escape? Together?” Power pauses for a moment.

E-Exactly! Anyways, you’re good at s-smashing things, right? Well I’ve got the job for y-you.

Sue has a device set in a high altitude location. Thanks to your little friend that murdered you with his EMP, that was enough of a blow as she’s no longer able to spy on us for now. How about you identify it and try to smash it?” Rio gestures madly with his hands.

R-Remember, the object placed in the said high altitude, if destroyed, Sue can no longer control the island and the other m-mannequins.

Power listens thoughtfully and bangs on the trial door again: “Don’t worry everyone, I will save you all!”, with no hesitation in mind. Power goes in front of an elevator which surprisingly, neither the main elevator or its doors are in place. She looks upwards and starts to jump into action.
As she climbs the metal beams with ease, she spots a weird black object with a flickering red light. She gives it a good ol’ two before flickering to its demise.

After some minutes pass, Tia quickly taps her feet as she approaches the elevator and echoes upward: “Hurry, they are about to announce the r-results!

Power after assuring herself that the weird object is destroyed. She quickly jumps and slides downwards against a wall back into the room.

The cat that has silently been waiting on top of the metal beams and meows nervously at her owner. The woman puts her hands forward and gives her an encouraging look and Kitty manages to land safely onto her.

Rio, Tia and Power nervously stand in front of the double door…
And… the winner of this murder game is Roroa, everyone else dies!

Power barges in the room, spins herself around in spirals of blood. “It’s showtime!” she continues to send an array of blood enveloping the courtroom in a storm, signaling to the rest of the participants to quickly get out.

Read if you like lore something something story, thrillers something something

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Did anyone here went to a Wendy’s or Chick-Fill-A ever?

Wendys is SO fucking good best fast food place

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Hi im here now btw
What did i miss
Are whispers still open or did i just get screwed with that

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Hazard is Tapping out.
Continue putting in noms and we will update them in the morning. :wave:
Just make sure to ping us

I’ve been to both

Whispers didn’t end

Whispers are open for a bit under 12 more hours

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Want whisper?

do u want to group whisper :3

Perfect :3

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You wanna whisper?

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I’m twenty years old now what the fuck


Perfect :3

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Happy Birthday!!!

/whisper ybw

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That hits hard tbh
Also yeah im down to whisper

/accept (u make it im on mobile)