BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Unless the demon was Kiiruma

You say this but where did the bonus kill come from?

Hauraspex/The Mercenaries

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Why can’t Night be Glykon again? Nominations?

Explain this

first of all if it’s Haruspex your whole thing is just blown open lol
second of all, what ability did the mercs receive if not Haruspex

If YBW claimed Haruspex/Blacksmith thats like another proof why I am confirmed town lmao

Night one, trumpteer information,! Night nominated Marluna

Night doesn’t have to register as good you know

I do know, Kiiruma would have to be dekon for night to be Glkyon

N1: Leafia, Catbae, Nightingale, Crazynuto, Jarek, Marluna, Baker and Silviu

Oh, right… I missed the nomination. It can’t be Leafia/catbae/night/baker

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yeah this is legal if and only if Baker and Jarek aren’t the demon

Unless night was crassus

Baker and Jarek not being demon means Night can be Glykon
Other world is May and Kiiruma

you uhm
quoted a private topic

N1: Leafia, Catbae, Nightingale, Crazynuto, Jarek, Marluna, Baker and Silviu

N2:Crazynuto Leafia Jarek

D3: Marluna, Catbae, May, Baker, Jarek, Silviu

get banned from the game

Then they can’t register as good

If baker was glykon

We wll know why i died night 1.

Its because i am me