BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Baker nominated Baker. May nominated Jarek and Magnus nominated May. Wazza has called for the exile of Magnus and YouButWorse.

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But Jarek is confirmed by now, right?

Baker and Jarek can’t be both wolf

well YBW lied and framed me so I want them out but i leave that decision to you people once again

if people want to trust YBW info then go ahead execute me :sob:

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I think YBW is lying, I don’t trust them.

(But ugh it mean I have to trust MAGNUS (pfp wolf))


yeah Jarek is 99% confirmed i believe

I am also town but there might be a chance i am hannibal and im ok with dying if thats the case. otherwise no, I am never cleopatra or crassus or caesar because I self nom today and there are multiple factors why others can be those instead of me

it is really hard to trust people with wolf pfp


Also I find it amusing, I just remembered. YBW claimed having Crassus and then used it on Litten?

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Something odd is that they said that they had blacksmith’s ability which… that would be your old bluff? Though this is quite amusing

Since I self nominated and May nominated Jay

We can assume that May or me can be Cleopatra

But looking at how YBW is framing me together with May i think they are just the evil team

I should die tonight to cleopatra because of self nom

But the way I am being pushed maybe I wasn’t targeted

Cleoquatra I don’t think she’s even remotely in play

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yeah probably not

I was just thinking on the go

Neither is Caesar because it would mean they kinda failed to use their advantages?

idk guys im out of it

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anyway I got no more time on this

sorry everyone, I am town blacksmith

feel free to execute me today because game should continue if 3 evils are dead. if 2 evils are dead then we lose the game

or you can vote execute May since Kii wasn’t nommed. thats my legacy

