BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Nothing should have been messed up with all the information roles left is magnus and crazy

silviu wasnt executed so magnus couldnt have flipped evil from temptress :hmmyes:


i forgor was the temptress ability gained when catbae was executed
nvm silv is good so that doesnt work

but itd be funny if they orchestrated with catbae and silviu to turn themselves evil by tempting themselves and catbae and having silviu fakeclaim it

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yeah nothing should have messed with it what the fuck
what could have possibly went wrong

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also silv could actually be temptress turned right now if they were colluding with magnus
but occams razor says that theres just way too much things that have extremely finnicky explenations for that to happen

silv was definitely starting good
i was gonna cite socials but no i know this mechanically

Night. Did you not get my gladiator prompt asking you to rock paper scrissors?


They fucked up the Haruspex obv

they said the word may

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no i did i just have the memory of a fox with a fever

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but youd be temptress picked iwth a living temptress (probably baker) and have turned when guava is executed
this would require magnus to be evil and lying about having received temptress




I have no idea what was messed up
The trumpteer and magnus check are intertwined

It’s not if Kiiruma is the actual demon

Or may

We didn’t actually nominate Kii which does suck but what can you do

did marluna nominate d1

We did

Wazza did

Oh did we