BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

May had Augor/Standard Bearer
When leafia andnnignt died, their ability triggered, indicating the augor was dead

Kii never triggered my info? Or would it be there being a living Bad Omen

Guys. Do y’all remember when Night tried nominating kiiruma when we had to exe leafia?

Hey Magnus can we stall out the game and you get Temptress a few times and then convert me and Litten to evil and then we win as evils


So for Kki being evil, May have to be evil too, which is not alligned with Trumpeteer info.

Or may is hannibal too

But most likely based off social and mechs leafia was evil

Nothing makes sense

Hello friends.

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Was ur info changed


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I wasn’t here most of the part.
(And I am really sorry for this both you and the STs. I didn’t know this will happen, when I signed up.)
So I really don’t know what “socially evil” means.



For what it’s worth, it’s probably a very very minor mistake. An ability not activating when it should have, or someone being drunk when they shouldn’t have.

99% of the info we have is trustworthy I’d say.

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When you read their posts, they claim they were reaction testing
For example, claiming they had a 1 the second night was a “reaction test”

None of the claimed roles would have done anything!

Literally the only role here that is left is magnus none other acted

Regardless, we shouldn’t be agonizing over that. I think we still have a good path to victory.

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Methinks it’s something to do with Trumpeter and Spartacus claims. There were a ton of those.

Trumpeter confirmed nothing changed

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