BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Wazza and me agreed that it’s time to nuke the travellers.

As there’s an evil within [Wazza, Amelia] and an evil within [Magnus, YBW] this gets rid of 2 alive evil votes, forcing dead votes to be used if we get the right person on the block (making evil panic to get it off) and giving us more control.

/Execute Baker @Playwright
Time to take out the Crassus.


First BotF I played the hosts messed up the mechanics of travellers so they only required half the living votes to exile (but dead people could still freely vote to exile them). So in F3 I just frame-one exiled the Traveller with a dead person and turned it to F2. Where I didn’t instantly win I still had to execute the other guy. Which I did.

what stopped evil from winning



At F2? Just mod ruling. Wincons weren’t written out. It was another error technically but it was the correct choice for the Game to Work


And evil did win B) Because I am the gamer B) I still get jokes about pocketing people to this day

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Confident!May fucking owns as wolf and you will never see it because I am so so so so scared

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What’s the answer A)

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Just hammer the TPRs. What are they gonna do? Execute me? I’d like to see them try. Gonna have the vig shoot me? My teammate’s already read them and has 1,000 roleblocks headed directly in their direction. #winning

is this game still going on somehow

Yeah but it’ll stop soon probably

are we winning

We will be if you tell me when and how you learned Jarek’s role

what is jareks role

Serial Killer from Town Of Salem

why of course

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we (exclusive)


nah I’m twins