BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

Going from 3/5 to 2/4 is not helpful


We are at 4/5

We are using it for a very important purpose (should’ve picked Architect…)


Going from 3/4 is not helpful

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This is way funnier

That came out wrong


We aren’t able to lock in any votes here.
Neither Jarek nor Silviu are showing up, right?

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We don’t have the votes without wazza showing up
Does she usually show up for eod

Also did you work it out

@Litten vote and retract it if another living player shows up.
Or even if a dead player who’s less active shows up, imo.

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Can I retract if a living player shows up

Yes. Your vote can’t lock on Baker because votes lock downwards from Nuto.

/execute baker

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Baker is on the block with 5 votes

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@nightingale vote execute it would be funny


Has wazza showed up for eods magnus

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I knew the answer, I just needed to ask anyway.

Guys stop executing my demon plz

They’re literally Crassus. You’re being dramatic. You’re not even going to lose off this.

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