BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

I don’t know you very well but you give me the vibe that you would be more cautious about what you’re saying if you were actually evil
maybe I’m wrong but :man_shrugging: I already nommed you so if you are Augur not much I can do about it

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like you would not have posted a grim that claims an exact evil team you are in even if it’s obviously wrong

she wanted to let the evil traveler (me) know her team composition


oh also I doubt Augur!Nightingale goes “yeah I’m likely to be Augur” because idk why you would ever say that

whispers aren’t real


why do you think you’re likely to be Augur anyway nightingale

I’m trying

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Oh yeah. One Leafeon has also nominated someone.

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A very good question.

idrt im out of wolfmeta
altho as a wolf i think i wouldnt be this sober
i think claiming outsider to get a scholar to nominate me is actually really smart from an augur

OH I get it

you claimed outsider?

I couldn’t name anything I myself have done as towny but I know you clowns (not naming any names, Litten) are tuned into my imperceptible little tells and I do know my alignment so I assume I’m findable town

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youre 100% right… as long as im sober
which i am rn but you don’t know that

She shouldn’t claim if outsider. It’ll help the evils.

I do know that actually I’m in your house

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well yeah but I thought she was saying she did


I doubt they’re that imperceptible given everyone and their mother knows I’m polarised but I can’t perceive them