BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

How do I vote


Ping the mods then vote yes or no on all nominations

Actually from a communication error on hazard (me) part voting does not open for another 2is hours

Oh, so I can just say yes to them all?

I’m here.


Yes. In 2 hours


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@YoubutWorse if you’re still around.

I have never been evil.

Apo, can we chat real quickly if you’re still here?

No <3

I’m looking for a standard bearer?

I said I was pubchatting this game and by God am I going to pub chat this game

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Okay Minion without a bluff.

Has Night already been nominated? Yeah, they have been.
/Nominate Catbae.

I don’t believe Night’s Outsider claim and Catbae is tainted by association of whispers. I haven’t spoken to Night.

@Magnus Has nominated @catbae
Accusation: I don’t believe Night’s Outsider claim and Catbae is tainted by association of whispers. I haven’t spoken to Night.

@Jarek - No
@guavagudetama - No
@Kiiruma - No

First to vote is
@Leafia @baker @nightingale

Is nobody here?


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