BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed


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sounds evil iyam

Also like if ur Spartacus
it’s better to let urself get executed I think

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Not sure

d-does anyone want to slide in my dms…

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Also, the most important change is that even once you’re dead, you can still talk to the living in the thread. You just lose the use of your ability as well as having only one vote for the rest of the game and you can’t nominate anyone.

Something funny about the idea that’s it better for the guy who hid behind mass anonymity as to not die (from government oppression) to just let himself get killed by the mob of townsfolk


Love being able to nya even after death

Sure. Why not? /Whisper @catbae

Oh god, that means I’m still expected to post even after I die, huh

/whisper Catbae

Who’s ready for topposting Apo because I use game threads as a nya dump


Make that a three way whisper how anout? /Whisper Catbae and Nightingale

cant believe ur abandoning me

Litten might give me a run for my money though



Spartacus claims as of now: Leafia, Catbae, Nightingale, Crazynuto, Jarek, Marluna, Baker and Silviu.

Please let me know if I missed any. Any Spartacus claims from the travellers won’t be counted as per the fabled.

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